Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blogging is hard!

Greetings! Hello world! Shalom!

I don't know how to start this blog!

To be honest, these past few weeks I've been delaying starting my blog, because I've just been so preoccupied with my school work and some extracurricular commitments I've made (and am currently in the process of fulfilling), but I'll be talking about some these as through future blogposts!  

I'm totally new to blogging, and I absolutely do not know where to start, but I do have an idea of the kind of direction I want my blogging to win towards. So I'm gonna keep this post short and answer some questions that I hope would give you some i

1) Who am I?

Figure 1.0: The creature called Dominic. An Amazonian stick insect crawls on its face.

My name is Dominic, but my nickname is Dom. I'm a 19 year-old 2nd year Architecture student at the University of the Philippines Diliman. I am the youngest of three siblings, one older brother whose taking Applied Physics in my college as well and one older sister whose taking medicine in Philippine General Hospital. 

I love traveling, art, design, social work and food, so expect lots of food selfies. just kidding 

2) Why am I blogging and what is my blog about?


Design is a broad term, and it isn't only limited to all things art. Mostly, Ill be writing about architecture: its history, and some personal thoughts of mine about it. So for all you architecture students out there that I hope my essays could help you with writing yours! 

I'll also be writing about a range of topics related to design from art, computer science, chemistry, physics and related things I find interesting in my daily life and in the internet. My main goal for all this writing is to provide and perhaps in some abstract way provide you, the reader, with form of information that could help you with your school, project, whatever!

I also started blogging because I wanted to begin getting into the habit of writing so I could improve my writing. Since i carry my computer around daily because of my Architecture work, I thought it would be redundant to write in a journal and carry that extra load around. I'll be labeling which posts are about design and which are about my personal life, and whatever other topics I get interested to write about so it'd be easier for you to navigate to the posts you'd like. :D

3) How often can I expect blogposts and updates?

As much as possible, I'm gonna try to write at the very least twice a week, and I don't say that in a gooddd i have to do this kind of manner. I am determined to make this blog interesting for you guys and to journal out my interests to make my life more organized in my own intangible way. So i hope you guys can comment in the box below every blogpost if theres something you like, and especially something you may dislike, so I could produce better content for you!

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